Purposeful governance of lunar resources.

Breaking Ground is a Perpetual Purpose Trust that is legally bound to steward funds and lunar resources for the collective benefit of stakeholders and the public good.


The Trust

Purposeful governance of lunar resources


Breaking Ground is legally bound to steward funds and lunar resources for the collective benefit of stakeholders and the public good.


The Breaking Ground Trust: designed to fulfill a mission.


We are using a Perpetual Purpose Trust: a legal entity which is required to execute towards its stated purpose. Breaking Ground will hold and govern funds and lunar resources for collective benefit of stakeholders and the public good.

A well known example is Facebook's "Oversight Board". A group of stewards come together to help fulfil the mission through the effective management of the resources held in the trust.

Our stated purpose

To steward and demonstrate formal and effective institutional management of lunar resources between different stakeholders.”


What do we mean by this?



To steward lunar resources should be understood as managing the resources in a responsible and stakeholder-informed way.

Open Source

The trust aims to create a prototype open for others to use. The open sourced process will aim to role model transparency and knowledge sharing for the common good.


The trust affirms the need for and value of multiple and diverse approaches to lunar resource management, and will explore and support the demonstration of multiple approaches to cooperative and peaceful resource management.


The trust affirms and acknowledges the breadth and diversity of pursuits on the Moon and seeks to incorporate and include views and interests of science, engineering, policy, politics and other issues.

Collective Benefit

The trust aims to benefit the communities investing in, building, developing, working and living on the Moon, as well as all life on Earth, now or in the future.


The trust aims to demonstrate the viability and the efficiency of multiple forms of resource management depending on criteria including, but not limited to, scarcity, geographical region, economic and scientific value.


The trust may use a variety of techniques including, but not limited to, commercial transactions, delegated representation and cooperation with other organizations in order to establish management regimes.

The Trust Stewardship Committee


The Trust Stewardship Committee represents the sector, and holds the trust to its purpose.


Founding Trustees

The Trustees are chosen according to their expertise. They are well respected leaders in their fields who serve as individuals. The definition and precise accountabilities of these roles is detailed in the Trust Agreement. The committee has five seats. Their number one job is to ensure all activities of the trust benefit the stated purpose.


Jessy Kate Schingler

Peaceful Purposes Seat

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Jason Cursan

Industry Seat

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Third Trustee

Third Seat

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Expert Consultation & Deliberation


Subject matter experts will guide the substantive work of the trust, across projects, investments, research and positions.


Stakeholders of all kinds can be involved in the development of novel approaches to resource rights and resource management for the lunar environment. This work will require meaningful input from many parts of the international lunar community and beyond. The trust will host processes to draw on inputs from respected and diverse sources of guidance on all these topics.


Holding the trust accountable

 The trust enforcer ensures the stewards and work of Breaking Ground are always consistent with the stated goals in our trust agreement.

We are grateful to work with XXX XXXXX who serves as the Trust Enforcer for Breaking Ground. They can be contacted by any stakeholder of the trust if you detect an issue of integrity or inconsistency with the practices of the trust.